New Horizons in Cancer Treatment: Facts and Expectations – Cancer Center Series Events

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February 25 (Sat) – (New Horizons in Cancer Treatment: Facts and Expectations) Cancer Center Series Events

Cancer is a wide-ranging disease. In the constant research, the methods of treating cancer are changing with each passing day. Please listen to Dr. Dai to explain the methods of cancer treatment. How to evaluate these treatments? Dr. Dairong Pei is an oncologist at the Palo Alto Medical Foundation and former medical director of the Center. He has extensive clinical experience and research experience in oncology. He is also the current New Hope Chinese Cancer Care Foundation. President, is committed to promoting the cancer service of the Chinese community and the correct anti-cancer concept.

This series of activities was co-sponsored by the New Hope Chinese Cancer Care Foundation, the Cancer Center of El Camino Hospital and the Chinese Health Promotion Program. The lectures were conducted in Cantonese and provided with refreshments.

Speaking: Edmund Tai, MD, FACP Dr. Dai Rongzhen
Time: Saturday, February 25, 10:00 AM-12:00 PM
Location: El Camino Hospital,
815 Pollard Road, Los Gatos, Conference Room 1

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