2016 新希望抗癌健康日

 In Past Events


– 專題講座:癌症預防 Panel Discussion: Cancer Prevention

– 請問醫生 Ask an Oncologist by Dr. Edmund Tai

– 教育宣導 Educational Booths

– 身心靈運動示範 Mindful Exercise Demo



Sunday, June 26, 2016, 1-4:30 PM
100 South Milpitas Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035

The health fair will focus on providing community resources and information to patients, care-givers, volunteers and general public. Mindful exercise will be introduced to participants at beginning of the event for enhancing peaceful and relaxing living. Followed by informative talk regarding medical insurance by Intobenefits. Besides, a panel discussion with topic “Cancer Prevention” is scheduled, panelists include an oncologist from Kaiser Hospital, speaker from Asian Liver Center at Stanford University, a dietitian and cancer survivors to share their experience. Last but not least, an “Ask an Oncologist” session with a medical Oncologist, Edmund Tai, MD to answer patients’ questions about cancer. Please come join us for this meaningful event.




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