September Series of Lectures

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Date: September-12-2015 Saturday 10:00 AM–12:00 PM Noon
Topic: How to Prevent Cancer Friends from Being Infected
Speaker: Xie Wenru MD

Xie Wenru graduated from Taipei Medical University. Before coming to the United States, he worked as a physician and infectious disease specialist at Taiwan Cathay Medical Center. After coming to the United States, she received a master’s degree in public health from Harvard University and a doctor’s degree in microbiology immunology from Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. He also completed resident training in clinical pathology and anatomy and pathology at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Since 1995, Medical Officer of the Chinese Medical Center of the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Xie Wenru said that about a third of cancer patients die from cancer-induced infections, not the cancer itself. Cancer patients have reduced immunity and are prone to infection, so prevention is of the utmost importance.

.. Xie Wenru from Taiwan joined the 20th anniversary of CDC and engaged in pathology. He said that unlike pathologists in hospitals, which mainly analyze sections after the microscope, pathologists in the public health department often have to “go on the front line.” Whenever there is a major outbreak of unknown cause, the cause must be identified and prevented and controlled as soon as possible. . From a public health perspective, prevention and control are more important than treatment.

Xie Wenru said that during the treatment of cancer patients, immunity was weakened due to chemotherapy and drug side effects. Viruses, bacteria, and microorganisms are easily invaded. Especially during or after chemotherapy, special care needs to be taken to prevent infection.

He said that infectious diseases and infectious diseases are different, the former is not necessarily an invasion of external bacterial viruses. The human body usually has bacteria or microorganisms. When the body is normal, bacteria in the body will not cause illness. Once the immunity is reduced, the bacteria may be out of control and multiply, destroying tissues and organs.

There are many causes of infection. Xie Wenru said that bacterial infections can be treated with antibiotics. But prevention is the best way. Streptococcus and measles that cause pneumonia have vaccines. However, the flu vaccine is more limited. Cancer patients must do respiratory protection. Be careful not to eat raw food to prevent microbes from invading the stomach.

Xie Wenru was awarded last year by the President of the United States Ma Ying-jeou for the “Purple Medallion Star”. He said that he was lucky. He said that when an epidemic in Taiwan needs help, he can use the resources of the United States to help his hometown of Taiwan. “Why don’t you do it.” These included the Type 71 enterovirus in 1998, the SARS in 2003, and the 2013 rabies in 2013. He said that the CDC and Taiwan’s health department and legal department all have close cooperation.

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