“The Relationship Between Food & Cancer” Special Lecture

 In Woman Cancer Support

We especially invite Sara to share the topic of “The Relationship between Food and Cancer” in the New Hope Office at 10:30 on February 26 (Wednesday). Please register by phone.

The following is a brief outline:

Cancer cells do not come from mutations; it is somatic evolution. Its evolutionary power comes from a poor biochemical environment. This lecture will introduce us to some of the wrong eating habits that make the body create a poor biochemical environment, and what to eat, what mood to eat, in order to change the internal environment, completely eliminate the evolutionary power of cancer cells.

The following is a brief introduction of Sara in English and Chinese and his blog site, please refer to.

English Bio


Chinese Introduction


Sara’s food and education section blog


Please enter the keyword food and drink class on Youtube for more information.

http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%E9%A3%9F%E9%A3%9F%E8%AA%B2%E8%AA%B2%E6%95%99%E5%AE%A4&sm =1

Lai was born in Taiwan and has long been involved in psychological counseling and nutrition therapy in the United States. He has a unique understanding of physical and mental balance. During the school counseling of psychological counselors, the main job was to consult the at-risk counselor who had the highest risk and the most serious problem. As the first line of work in psychotherapy, I feel deeply that the basis of mental health is in physical health, thus switching the runway into natural medicine. Hope to convey the concept of wholeness between body and food. Lai Yufan is a Fulbright Fellow, NTA-certified natural medicine nutrition therapist, and the United States University of California Marriage and Family Issues Consultation and School Psychology Consultant, who have served as deputy director of the University of California, counseling center. And lecturer, special psychological counselor and lecturer at East China Normal University in China, and invited to Taiwan TV programs to discuss topics.

The following information is collected by Sara for cancer friends. Please fill in and return it to Sara: sara@shishikeke.com.tw. Thank you.

1. What did you eat at breakfast yesterday?

(What did you eat for breakfast yesterday?)

2. How much water do you drink a day? (coffee, soup, tea, juice, soft drink are not included)

(How much water do you drink in one day?)

3. If you have a conflict in a relationship, what do you usually do?

(What kind of treatment do you usually take if you are in a relationship?)

a. communicating


b. fight


c. forget about it, have some peace

(Forget it)

4. What kind of treatment did you receive?

(What kind of treatment did you receive after you got sick?)

a. traditional chemotherapy

(traditional chemotherapy)

b. target therapy

(target therapy)

Thank you

Blessing Yingying

Everything is fine


Disclaimer: The above views are based on content and are purely personal opinions. They do not represent the views and positions of this Council. Thank you.

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