【志愿者活動】4/19 (六) 2025年度義工成長營 Volunteer Retreat

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新希望華人癌症關懷基金會2025年度義工成長營會在4/19/2025周六舉行, 上午十點到下午四點,9:30am簽到 。

我們非常榮幸有您加入我們的團隊。您的加入將為新希望的服務帶來更多的力量。義工成長營的目的是使熟悉新希望的各項服務和提高服務的品質,也培養我們的團隊意識。在代表新希望服務癌友和家庭時,可以保持一定的水平和質量。 學習是一個不斷成長的過程,我們也在承擔責任中學習。未來新希望會持續提供更多相關的課程及活動,敬請參與。這也是一個更好的跟新希望社區建立團隊瞭解的機會。



Volunteer Retreat 4/19/2025

NHCCCF 2025 Volunteer Retreat will be held on Sat 4/19/2025 10am-4pm, check in at 9:30am.

It is our honor and pleasure to have you join our team. You are the source of our strength and power to provide service. The purpose of the retreat to familiarize you with some of the core features of New Hope services, so that as you represent the organization in helping patients and families, we can maintain a high level of consistency and quality.  As learning is an ongoing process, you will certainly learn as you take on responsibilities and there will be supplemental sessions on additional key topics in the future. It is also a great team building event to know more about our community.

Please register to join us and let us know if you have questions, we welcome your input and ideas.

We look forward to seeing you!

地點Location:Santa Clara Women’s Club Adobe (3260 THE ALAMEDA, SANTA CLARA, CA 95050)


有任何問題請跟新希望辦公室聯絡瞭解詳情408-609-3338 | 1-866-326-1520 Info@newhopecancer.org



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